Internet Explorer 9 Beta
The recent release of Internet explorer 9 has brought around a hell lot of interface changes. Excellent designing of the interface goes well with the current windows 7 GUI and graphical effects.
Over that, the performance of the beta itself is very great alone. You can expect a lot more in the final release.
I am not going to go into the details of the browser. You can find complete detail on the development of the IE9 on msdn blog.
I will update this post as soon as possible with my own screenshots (possibly tomorrow morning).
So far, i would say that the browser works absolutely fine. I have not completely switched over to IE9 from chrome, but i would definitely do so once it is out of beta. MORE TO COME SOON. keep a watch on this post.
One good feature of IE9 is that you can drag the tab and place it on the task bar (pin it on the task bar). The icon of that website will appear on the task bar. So its like creating a nice shortcut to that webpage.
A very nice feature.
You can see the nice sleek design of the new internet explorer.
ERROR encoutered: Crash on start
Start -> Run -> iexplore.exe -extoff
This will start the IE without add ons. Once this is running, go to ads on page using the settings button and disable the ads from there. Close the settings page. Try starting the browser normally without the command. Should work.
more coming on the way!
Voice of the people