Tagged: zynq


Use RTL-SDR with Zybo Zynq SoC board

The well-known RTL-SDR found itself to become quite popular over the past few years. Even today, RTL-SDR works like a gateway to the world of digital radios. The open-source RTL-SDR setup works with almost...

Installing Ubuntu 20.04 on Zynq SoC 0

Running Ubuntu 20.04 on Zynq SoC

One of the earlier posts demonstrated the process of building Petalinux for the Zynq SoC on the Zybo board. The process itself is quite simple when all you have to do is run Linux....

PipelineC block inside vivado 0

PipelineC brings HLS to non-Xilinx FPGAs

Those of you who have used HLS (High level synthesis) would know how powerful the thing is. For those of you having some experience working with hardware description languages would most likely be able...