Author: nuclearrambo



Currently i am working on simple ECG circuit (electrocardiograph) using simple sound card input to view the wave forms. Required materials : LM324N – Quad op-amp 100k resistor 1k Resistor sound card some copper...

Out of city for a day! 3

Out of city for a day!

Updating this blog after a lot of time. finally i found some spare time to go out in nature. So didnt miss a chance to take lots of pics. Some of the pics are...

Hosting your own blog 19

Hosting your own blog

Many people had been asking me about me and how I hosted my blog. So they were eager to know. So here is how I learn, earn and host! Tools needed: 1. A computer/server...

Sniper ghost warrior 10

Sniper ghost warrior

Got my hands on this game today. I would say, excellent realistic graphics. Feels very excellent at first. List of stuff what i liked in the game: Exciting bullet cam when you get a...

Server update 0

Server update

Currently working on: 1. Round Robin DNS 2. Backup-up host 3. Better way of publishing the website currently under construction 4. Learning php and css 5. Slow loading of blog. (fixed) 6. Music player...

Pay it forward (2000) 0

Pay it forward (2000)

Unhappy endings always amazed me just because i got tired of Holliwodian happy ending movies were all over the internet and just for that thumbs down. Pay it forward has an unusual unhappy ending...

Happy birthday bro 0

Happy birthday bro

Today is a special day. Like everyone from this world celebrates. I’m gladly say this: Today is my bro’s birthday!  He is achieving the beautiful age of “18” . I wish him all the...