Our new blog

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So me (salil) and my brother (alin) decided that we get back on making our own personal website. But after a lot of discussion we landed on one decision of making a blog.

Then came the issue of hosting. Where do we host it?! We had fast computers and we were ready to use it as webservers. So alin decided that he would use his PC as the server.

For anyone who wants to host his own website should go for it. Its really nice and simple and you have some kinda of happiness that you are you own website’s/blog’s host and not someone else. But one major drawback on this one is that you need a fast internet connection, sufficient system memory and some 500Mb of storage space where you can store your webpages.

Now, we used windows7’s inbuild IIS7 webserver. It was easy to install and easy to handle. We installed php, mysql….etc. most of the common applications that you would find on webhost.

Now came the point where we had to decide which blog package do we use. I had looked several blog packages and everywhere i saw, i found wordpress there! I thought, its too common. Lets try something else. So i found ‘lifetype’, ‘flatpress’. But the problem with those was, they were difficult to customise. Then after all this playing around with the flatpress stuff, we decided to get wordpress afterall.

So far it seems to be cool and nice and lightweight. I found there are some memory managing codes inside this package which is nice in case server goes overloaded! I havent updated anything or customised much, but i feel the control panel is much easier to handle.

Next post i will write something about what we are going to do with the blog.

-salil (site admin)


Salil is an electronics enthusiast working on various RF and Microwave systems. In his free time he writes on the blog, talks over ham radio or builds circuits. He has Yaesu FT2900R VHF transceiver, FT450D HF transceiver and a TYT UV8000E Handheld transceiver.

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