Nuclearrambo Blog

Lunar Eclipse Dec 10, 2011 1

Lunar Eclipse Dec 10, 2011

Here are some of the pictures of the Lunar Eclipse that occurred on December 10, 2011. The moon had already entered the umbra of the earth’s shadow when it rose above the horizon in...

Macro and Telephoto 0

Macro and Telephoto

I was supposed to be studying for my exams, but I had my camera in my hand and I grabbed it and took some of the shots shown below. You can see some shots...

Evening at Mumbai 0

Evening at Mumbai

Today I went for a walk to a nearby park and managed to capture some of the pictures. It was around 4:30pm and the sun was getting ready to set. It was not very...

Mumbai at night 0

Mumbai at night

Today, I went out for a nice evening walk and managed to capture some of the street shots of Dadar, Mumbai. Below is a slideshow of those shots. All images were capture with Nikon...

Using Anchors In WordPress 0

Using Anchors In WordPress

Using Anchors In WordPress I had struggled for a while with trying to figure out how to use them in WordPress, but when it came down to it, it was merely a case of adding...

6 Tips for Successful Blogging 0

6 Tips for Successful Blogging

6 Tips for Successful Blogging Here are seven tips to help you build and hold an audience for your blog: Tip #1: Provide quality content. On the Internet, whether you are talking about websites...