Tagged: Photography

Lonad Caves – Kalyan 2

Lonad Caves – Kalyan

One of my friends had been to Lonad Caves which are located on the outskirts of Mumbai and he brought me back a bunch of pictures which I am going to share with you...

Enhanced images from previous post. 0

Enhanced images from previous post.

If you had seen the previous post which is here then you can compare those images with the images in this post. I did some image enhancement to make them look better. All this...

A nice clear morning in Mumbai 1

A nice clear morning in Mumbai

It was a very blue sky this morning. A lot of wind. All was so pleasant. But the reason behind it was the massive storm around Mumbai. It made me want to capture some...

Pigeons! 1


Pigeons are my favourite observing subject…And sometimes i bother to take pictures of them and some of those pictures are here.