Homemade sound card ECG circuit
SCROLL BELOW TO SEE LATEST UPDATES 4.4 The Basic ECG Circuit We started to build the first ECG prototype circuit after doing a lot of research and studying about the requirements of the ECG...
SCROLL BELOW TO SEE LATEST UPDATES 4.4 The Basic ECG Circuit We started to build the first ECG prototype circuit after doing a lot of research and studying about the requirements of the ECG...
Couple of days ago the news of Osama’s death hit the internet almost instantly as it was published from the whitehouse. If you have been observing closely, you would find that the spam rate...
Its been warming up a bit in the northern hemisphere now. The temperatures are rising all over the europe and asia. Most of the snow from the winter has already melt and the landscape...
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Recently while browsing the internet i came across the newest windows build 7850. Apparently build 7850 is milestone 1 for windows8 development. There is nothing much i can say about this build unless i download it and test...
I opened uTorrent today to start seeding some of my torrents and a window popped up saying that a new update is available. I clicked on download update! And the new version 3.0 beta...
Recently, I applied for a job position on TCS (TATA consultancy services) in Mumbai through the campus recruitment program. Initial thoughts were to give the test as it was my first ever job interview...
We are releasing a complete collection of textbooks written by famous authors over the torrent distribution network. We will be putting one textbook everyday on the torrent network. Stay updated on the blog 😀...
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