How i increased my self confidence in just 3 months

Building self confidence after so many years of it being absent, can be a truly hard thing to achieve. I have had problems with self confidence for as long as i can remember. If you are reading this, then you probably had or have problems with growing your own self esteem.
Being a person that lacks self confidence, it is extremely hard to communicate efficiently with people. It is crucial for it to be within standard values to maintain a good conversation with someone and benefit from it.
Lack of self confidence is associated mostly with introverted people. Why? Because they are subjected to bullying in kindergarten, elementary school, high school, college, university, other parts of their lives.
Depression could be a definitive result of lacking self confidence. Depression is like the final stage to where you endanger your own being. Eventually, one does not feel like he/she should live anymore in this world.
I’d like you to hear my story. Throughout my childhood, i have been subjected to numerous obstacles that would not allow my personality to get to extreme high level that is right now.
Before I started school, I had no problems communicating with my family and friends. It was not bad being the center of attention. Just a bit later after I started school, some of my classmates figured out I was an Introvert (a new term used by me … was not present at that time because I was too young) . Click here to find more about what an introvert is .
Everyday bullying was like a normal part of my life. Giving money, food, getting a beating, eventually leading to self confidence meltdown.
Only 1 year was required for that meltdown to happen. I have never recovered since then, they were the most agonizing days of my life.
In the present, I have a hint of depression and still a low level self confidence. Mornings are hell because of job (another agonizing part of my life).
I have researched about most topics in my life, psychology and spiritual concerns intrigued me the most.
I managed to find some techniques to gain some of my lost self confidence even though it will take a lot of time.
Abraham Maslow posted in his 1943 paper, a theory that defines the psychological development of a human being. He created this hierarchy of needs. Surprising enough, self esteem and self confidence are key points on that pyramid.
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