Ixam Hosting Review

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Ixam hosting review

Some of you may know or some of you might not, Nuclearrambo.com uses Ixam-hosting solutions for hosting this website. Currently nuclearrambo recieved a great deal of visitors everyday and I have to appreciate Ixam hosting for providing a good service to this website. About few months ago I shifted nuclearrambo.com to ixam hosting solutions because the previous host was not able to handle the traffic we used to get. Since this blog uses wordpress, when a lot of users come at once, it slows down. I will write down a complete experience I had with Ixam hosting solutions.

Technical Support

The quality of technical support from Ixam hosting is excellent. Whenever I have had problems I have sent a ticket and the response time was not that great. But most of the time I would get a response pretty fast within 30mins.A lot of time the problem was solved within an hour leaving apart a few incidences which took more than a day to fix.



Ixam hosting solution’s servers are located in RO (Thats what I am using right now) and give a pretty decent latency world wide (except Australia). Their server is able handle my wordpress site without any hassle. 99% of the time site loads within 10 seconds except for a few instances when we experienced a big slow down.

RATING: 4.5/5


The uptime claimed by ixam hosting is 99.9%, but ofcourse thats a marketting thing. The uptime we experienced withing first 15 days of our service was somewhere around 94%. After we expressed the uptime concern to the technical staff, things changed, the uptime increased. Currently we have experienced approximate uptime of 97-98% in Month of May (till 18/5/2012). Except for a day when our website was down for ~9 hours when they were upgrading their hardware and replacing hard drives. It was pretty annoying to be down on one of the productive days, nevertheless ixam hosting has a good service over all and we hope that they offer us a better and better service in coming months.


Over rating for Ixam hosting: 4/5

I hope this review has helped some of the readers who are interested in buying their service. I would definitely suggest to buy their services which indeed are inexpensive.

You can BUY their services which starts at 2$ / mo. and so on.


Salil is an electronics enthusiast working on various RF and Microwave systems. In his free time he writes on the blog, talks over ham radio or builds circuits. He has Yaesu FT2900R VHF transceiver, FT450D HF transceiver and a TYT UV8000E Handheld transceiver.

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