Very Simple SEO steps for bloggers

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There has been much discussion about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in the blogosphere since google has updated its search engine algorithms. Google and other search engines strive to provide the user with relevant information. When it comes to the blogger’s point of view, he/she has to take care that the blog/website must be built in a particular manner, so that search engine can pick up his website and put it in the index. All this requires certain steps which are popularly known as a term called SEO. In this process, bloggers tend to forget that their main goal is to provider users with readable and quality content which conveys as much information as the blogger wants to convey. Blogger must not forget that his blog has the purpose of conveying “information” to the reader!

Every blogger wants his posts to be ranked up on the first page of Google, of course, who doesn’t? In the process of SEO, the blogger tends to over optimize which results in unreadable content or a post which is uninteresting which would have rather been much interesting if the blogger had concentrated more on writing quality. Find successful tactics and strategies at

While writing a SEO content, the blogger must follow the five steps. Consider these as a general structure of your blog post!

#1: Post Title: It is important that the post title is simple and relevant. An Interesting post title is the key to attract visitors. Considering the optimization part, it must have the target keyword in it.

#2: Introduction: Every blog post must contain an introduction. This section should speak about general information, history, current trends, etc. The keyword must appear atleast once in this section. Introduction should not be smaller than 100 words. Introduction must provide the reader with a short summary of what information he is going to be reading further in the post/article.

#3: The main course: This section is very important part of your whole blog post. All the information that you wish to convey must be contained here! Your writing style should be such that, the reader must wish to read further. The content must contain relevant information and should not repeat again and again just by twisting your sentences. You must select your topics where competition is low, that means the information users are looking for is not easily available. There are other kinds of posts where, the user will gain useful information. There can be several other blog posts on the internet having the same information, but your post will be ranked higher if your writing style attracts visitor’s attention. Adding screenshots, images, charts, graphs, block diagrams, etc help in explaining and getting your information out to the audience. This will only make your article more interesting to read.

#4: The Conclusion: Write a conclusion to your post. This is a way to end your post on a high and every often give your readers your opinion on something and likewise ask your readers to comment and give their opinions. Just like a introduction the conclusion should be precise and short. It should be simple and straight to the point.I personally like writing a couple of lines of my own views on something I’ve written or reviewed. I feel this gives your post that personal touch. Write a conclusion which ends with a question so your readers feel the need to engage in a dialogue with your post through the comments.

#5: Linking: Linking is another important part of a blog post. While writing, you can give references to older posts which are related to the one you are writing. This will keep your users stuck to your site. Too many links should be added in any case. This makes it look like you are posting a short “Re-cap” of your older posts. A few links in the introduction part or the ending section are always helpful which can help readers take reference from older posts in case they dont understand certain terms. You can always add external links, which will always help out other people. This also gives credit to other writers who might have helped YOU understand certain things through their blog!

“Giving has never made any body poor” – Anne Frank

All these points, if implemented well, can result in a good quality blog post. Which is obviously SEO ‘ed and reader friendly.

You can read my previous blog post to read about “How to host your own blog”

You can add your own suggesting to this article, I would be pleased to hear them, which will obviously help me make appropriate changes to my writing style.


Salil is an electronics enthusiast working on various RF and Microwave systems. In his free time he writes on the blog, talks over ham radio or builds circuits. He has Yaesu FT2900R VHF transceiver, FT450D HF transceiver and a TYT UV8000E Handheld transceiver.

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9 Responses

  1. Mrunal says:

    Good article, It helped me improve my blog

  2. Nikhil Rodrigues says:

    Wow! Really nice work on the article! The linking features are important since they contain the required sites for more detailed information. The rare pictures of the birds were excellent. The background has been good. We wish such blogs help people when they study their first blogging steps… Thank you Salil Tembe…

  3. Kirtu Racad says:

    Good article. Thanks for sharing such useful information :X

  4. Thanks. I will follow this for sure.

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