Category: Updates

Dexter Season 6 0

Dexter Season 6

Dexter, one of my favourite TV shows ever. I have watched all the 5 seasons so far and like all other dexter fans, I miss watching the show very much. And today, they announced...

Osama virus !? 0

Osama virus !?

Couple of days ago the news of Osama’s death hit the internet almost instantly as it was published from the whitehouse. If you have been observing closely, you would find that the spam rate...

Hostgator coupons 0

Hostgator coupons

1. cent hosting: NU1CENTHOST Use this coupon to get hosting for 1 cent for the first month. 2. 25% off on webhosting NU25OFFHOST – Use this coupon to get 25% off on any hosting plan...

Windows 8 build 7850 Milestone 1 Leaked 0

Windows 8 build 7850 Milestone 1 Leaked

Recently while browsing the internet i came across the newest windows build 7850. Apparently build 7850 is milestone 1 for windows8 development. There is nothing much i can say about this build unless i download it and test...

uTorrent v3.0 Beta TEST 0

uTorrent v3.0 Beta TEST

I opened uTorrent today to start seeding some of my torrents and a window popped up saying that a new update is available. I clicked on download update! And the new version 3.0 beta...

Tata Consultancy Services FRESHERS interview 0

Tata Consultancy Services FRESHERS interview

Recently, I applied for a job position on TCS (TATA consultancy services) in Mumbai through the campus recruitment program. Initial thoughts were to give the test as it was my first ever job interview...

Google redirect (link) virus 0

Google redirect (link) virus

Is your browser acting strange? Like when you type in google , for example and then you click on it, it automatically redirects you either to dangerous websites, foreign etc, or redirects you...

Google redirect virus fix 1

Google redirect virus fix

Is your browser acting strange? Like when you type in google , for example and then you click on it, it automatically redirects you either to dangerous websites, foreign etc, or redirects you...

Write an article for us 0

Write an article for us

Write an article for us based on any topic that you feel interesting. If we like it, we will give you a special secret gift. ($$) Email your article to