My Top Memory photo-gallery past winter 2016 Romania

This past winter was probably the most depressing season of the year. With all the snow and sadness of nature slowly going into slumber. It gives a sense of “another world” sometimes. For me, this past winter was more than this.
It’s also time for magic, as in, beautiful landscapes and mountains filled with snow, Ski – time and Christmas – New year celebrations.
In the last post with memory photos link here I have said that job has given me the possibility to travel and do photo sessions (of course in a rush; you can’t do a lot when you are at a job). I captured some beautiful landscapes this past winter, even if it was cold as hell and I was depressed all season.
It will obviously remain in my memory as one of the best years I had in my life. I awakened myself as a whole new person, having to fight these feelings of hopelessness, purposelessness, anger, frustration with myself, getting to a new level of self-consciousness and being able to talk to you about this.
I know many of you think I am crazy and some might think the same as I do. We are just travelers in this world anyway, so why not enjoy the last bits of it?
I really have to apologize if some photos look like they have low quality. Apparently there was little light for my device to capture them properly. I thought about buying a professional Nikon or Cannon camera in the future, but work , work first.
Beautiful moments happened this past winter that I will share with you friends. Enjoy it , i mean why not?
Like this ski action (i will so miss it)

Beautiful view from Hotel Dracula – Pasul Tihuta

And this is somewhere close to Radauti

Other beautiful landscapes!

And this is from a city we mounted cameras at. It’s called Oradea and it’s located in the West of Romania.

Voice of the people