Auto start your GNU Radio script at boot on any Raspberry Pi
This is going to be a small tutorial that will allow you to run your GNU Radio script automatically at system boot. I am using a Raspberry Pi 4, a Pluto SDR and GNU...
This is going to be a small tutorial that will allow you to run your GNU Radio script automatically at system boot. I am using a Raspberry Pi 4, a Pluto SDR and GNU...
No matter what frequency you work on, a term called “ppm” always follows. Whether you deal with the good old HF band or you work at the Gigahertz band, “ppm” defines how accurate your...
In the part 1, we reviewed the hardware aspects of the NanoVNA v2 SAA 2. Here, we will review the actual functionality of the device. Those familiar with the NanoVNA v1 need no guidance...
The first version of NanoVNA became an instant hit for very obvious reasons. First, it was offering stunning performance. Second, a super low price which brought VNA into the hands of those who would...
For those into radio astronomy would know the significance of having ultra-low noise figures. Lower the noise figure, the more sensitive your receiver becomes. Noise figure is a unit of measure that tells us...
We have seen the LimeSDR mini several times on this blog. So far, we have only seen how it can generate analog modulation to transmit voice and what not. Being an SDR capable to...
Most amplifiers we use have a fixed gain. In case of excess input power, the amplifier saturates. As a result, the blocks down the receive chain also get affected by this. To avoid this,...
We have gone over NanoVNA so many times in the past. I did a complete review of the inexpensive NanoVNA last month. Furthermore, I compared it with the super-expensive Keysight N9952A Vector Network Analyzer....
Update: Now you can plot the impedance vs. distance/time plot. Click here to learn the concept. Original Post: Having a VNA opens up so many possibilities. Just last week, I reviewed the nanoVNA and...
Vector network analysers (VNA) come in all sort of price ranges. Most of them are out of reach for a typical hobbyist. Very few VNAs are available to be bought by someone like you...
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