NanoVNA – A short review
Do you build RF circuits? Have you built any antennas? If the answer to any of the two questions is YES, then you know how valuable having a VNA (Vector Network Analyzer) is. Just...
Do you build RF circuits? Have you built any antennas? If the answer to any of the two questions is YES, then you know how valuable having a VNA (Vector Network Analyzer) is. Just...
In one of the previous posts we saw how we could transmit DATV using LimeSDR mini. This time we are going to use our LimeSDR mini as a RF source in our home lab....
PLL chips such as the ADF43xx, MAX287x and so on come with an integrated VCO. The frequency range on these PLL chips can extend all the way from few tens of MegaHertz to several...
Transmitting voice is something every ham operator must be doing regularly. There is a breed of hams which only stick to digital modes, while some prefer morse. Some ham operators go above and beyond...
How to build a larger network with routers (when you don’t want to spend money on expensive switch equipment while also getting the advantage of wireless technology that routers have? The answer is simple....
All organic beings die in this world, it’s inevitable. Life cannot exist without death and death cannot exist without life. Sometimes when we are too stuck with our thoughts, we tend to analyze a...
Anxiety and depression are the diseases of the present. Many people are falling victim to them at an increasing rate. Not even the richest of people can escape this at any point in their...
Voice detector can find it’s use in voice-activated circuits. For example, triggering a transmitter or enabling a speech processor and so on. At the end of this blog post, we will look at one...
Remember the previous post where we generated PWM? We are going to use the PWM output from the TivaC microcontroller and drive an RF switch. I will be using the Minicircuits HSWA2-63DR+ SP2T switch...
For over three years, I have used Ubiquiti antennas as the primary wireless solutions for a client’s business or home. With the increasing demand in the networking department, certain companies developed products to fulfill...
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